Q’STRAINT WINS 2019 APTA AdWheel Grand Award
Q’STRAINT has captured the highly acclaimed Grand Award at the APTA 2019 AdWheel competition for its ‘SEQURED’ advertising campaign featuring the QUANTUM and Q’POD. The ‘SEQURED’ campaign aimed and succeeded at raising safety awareness on the advantages of both Q’POD and QUANTUM wheelchair securement stations.
Watch: Q’STRAINT’s Grand Award Winning Video Presentation
About the AdWheel Award
The AdWheel Awards recognize the marketing and communications efforts of APTA’s members. Additionally, the annual awards competition creates a structure to share best practices and to raise the awareness of the value of public transportation marketing professionals within the industry.
About the ‘SEQURED’ Campaign
The ‘SEQURED’ campaign featured a series of comprehensive print and digital ads as wells as a targeted field visit, where we talked to real riders, real testimonials and real transit properties about their experiences using the QUANTUM and Q’POD. Their voice and feedback were key to our creative approach on how we conveyed the importance of a safe ride for all passengers.
Q’STRAINT Hit The Road
Q’STRAINT hit the road to visit Manatee County Area Transit (MCAT) – one of our transit property clients, who were at the time involved in a QUANTUM and Q’POD pilot program. It turned out, MCAT was the perfect place to stop by and capture on-site, hands-on use with real mobility riders, drivers, maintenance directors and transit properties. We used this feedback to start building the campaign.
It was apparent right from the launch of the ‘SEQURED’ advertising campaign our message rang true with transit agencies throughout the nation. We were seeing first-hand that more and more transit properties were outfitting their bus fleets with both the Q’POD forward-facing and the QUANTUM rear-facing wheelchair securement stations.
As the ‘SEQURED’ advertising campaign concluded, we are proud to have been a part of this competition and the benefits it has brought to the mobility passengers who are now traveling safely with the QUANTUM and Q’POD wheelchair securement stations.
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